Monday, May 30, 2011

The Obligatory BEA Post

Because everyone that went to BEA must have one. At least. Those that were there the whole week will have multiples. But me? Just the one. I was at BEA on its final day, Thursday, May 26th. I didn't realize until the day before that the floor was only open until three. Initially I was a little disappointed but then I got over it. Why? Less temptation. I had to fit everything into an Army ruck that had to be carried on my back. Not good policy if I couldn't do that.

But being there on the last day of BEA definitely had its advantages. After last year's clusterfuck of only two days of exhibition, going back to the three day convention was a reprieve. There were noticeably fewer people, far less of a rush and just the general atmosphere was a lot calmer than my previous experiences. On top of all of that, because it's the last day, publishers were trying to unload their stash. Even if they were from New York, they didn't want to lug their stuff back to the office. So not only did I get a massive amount of swag, I was able to grab extra copies of books.

I was more about the swag this year mainly because I had to be able to carry my bag. But because the pubs wanted to unload, I was able to cash in on some extra book copies as well. So before people start getting all snot-nosed that I have duplicate copies of books (as some are wont to do), I asked for every single one of them and had others shoved upon me willingly, without my asking. Like I said, being there on the last day had its advantages. Wandering around the floor an hour before it closed even more so. So don't shoot me for being in the right place at the right time. I get duplicate copies to pass them along. I never go to BEA without my readers in mind.

Now let's get on with the visuals, shall we? I apologize for the load time for this post. I have a few pictures. I resolved to actually take them this year since I didn't really last year and I don't think I did at all the year before.

This year there was more order to the signing lines. Since they didn't have to cram so many authors into such a short amount of time, they were able to space them out, along with their lines. Instead of them extending back and curling around and you end up wandering them trying to figure out which line was for what, they looped in the signing aisles themselves. I ended up right at a corner (not the actual front of the line) for Ellen Hopkins' signing so I snagged a picture as she was just sitting down.

And again as she was signing my copy of Perfect. Squee! She poses well.

On my way over to Melissa Marr's signing I inadvertently came across Tony Hawk signing his new middle grade series! I didn't realize he was there again this year. And I have no idea who that is posing with him but it was a good shot so I took it.

And again when he was actually signing. I thought about hopping in his line but it was huge and the wait in Melissa Marr's was really long so I ended up missing it. I'm just glad I got a couple more shots. :)

In Melissa Marr's signing line I met up with the Mad Scientist of Steampunkery & Book Reviews, who's a great big bucket of awesome. She's more elusive than I am! Even getting books signed she had them signed to Mad Scientist instead of her true name. Ask her nicely and she might just tell you. No promises though.

While in line I snapped a couple of shots of Disney Book Group's booth.

And some token Riordan fare. Solider boy had me watch Percy Jackson this weekend and dammit all, I need to read the books now. That movie was fantastic. Kevin McKidd really helped.

Me with Melissa Marr who's fantastic and super sweet. I haven't actually read the Wicked Lovely books yet but I'm thinking I have to. I really wanted Enthralled which I got as well (she was signing both) and I'm anxious to read it. She also stuck a Graveminder bookmark into the book as well.

The HarperCollins booth, which was huge. The bigger pubs tended to have much larger booths.

Some Iron Fey love in banner form.

Have I mentioned that this was pretty much the one book I really wanted from BEA? Not only did I get a copy but I got an extra one too. :) I'll be giving that one away soon.

My day wouldn't have been complete if I didn't meet Nicole from WORD for Teens. We've been in touch since pretty much our beginnings and we finally had a chance to meet! Quite possibly one of the sweetest chicks I know. I wish I got to hang out with her more! I also ran into fellow blogger Katherine from The Lady Critic's Library. Seriously a total sweetheart.

The super Kody Keplinger as she's signing my copy of Shut Out in the autographing area.

The Ashes display at the Egmont Booth. I came back to it later in the day so I didn't get a shot of it with all of the ARCs out. I'm just happy I got something! I did get an extra copy so look for the giveaway when I post the review in the next day or so.

The Random House sign. Another big booth publisher.

The Hachette area, specifically Little, Brown which is one of my favorite publishers. They're so nice!

Bloomsbury. More awesome.

I love how they do up these stairs every year. Last year it was Heather Brewer's Vlad Tod series. This year, Dork Diaries.

The first publisher I started working with as a book blogger, Llewellyn.

And their YA counterpart, Flux. They come out with some awesome books.

A blurry picture of Jane Fonda at one of the stages. I couldn't get close enough for anything more decent, unfortunately.

And the aftermath. This is what I carried from the Javits Center to Penn Station to get the subway to 42nd Street. From there I lugged it through the subway tunnels from hell (including up and down ramps and stairs) to get to the Grand Central shuttle. To Grand Central where I was arriving nearly as the train was pulling out. I then RAN, yes ran, to catch the train and then hauled this maybe 3 cars forward before I about died in an empty seat.

Without the dog-like comparison.

What was stuffed into the ruck (excluding the blue bag at the top, I could have fit it but I didn't want to crush the posters).

And all spread out, part one. I didn't realize the lighting was this bad until I'd cleared the table. By then I wasn't about to lay it all out again.

And spread out part two. I told you I got a lot of swag. Swag packs galore!

So that was my day. If you went, how was yours?
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